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post #81 of 133 (permalink) Old 05-13-2005, 06:22 PM
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Oh yeah Katie is not walking yet. She is still afraid to let go and take off!
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post #82 of 133 (permalink) Old 06-17-2005, 09:59 AM
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Spencer will be 3 years old on July 9th.

He has the determination and speed that is sure to help him go far in life. Right now, however, it makes mommy very tired! Click here to enlarge

We've been working on basic sign language, and he just figured out how to make the "I Love You" sign on his own. While singing with his Sunday School class in church last week, he flashed me the sign as soon as he spotted me. The congregation melted!
post #83 of 133 (permalink) Old 06-24-2005, 06:56 AM
finger of speech
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Click here to enlarge I have 18 month old B/G twins. Noah and Nora Click here to enlarge
post #84 of 133 (permalink) Old 07-09-2005, 01:21 PM
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new here Click here to enlarge

I have one DD, Marta, who will be two the 7 of September.

She is starting to talk - she is now at one/two new words per day.

She loves to walk - hates the stroller, and although she has quite a character is quite easy going child.

What else?

She is still breastfeeding and we cosleep.
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post #85 of 133 (permalink) Old 07-11-2005, 08:33 AM
Ambulance Chaser
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Hi I'm new too Click here to enlarge

I have two boys that are 14 months old. One can walk great but the other appears to be on a drunk when he gets to moving. They are too cute! One is very outgoing and aggressive and the other is very shy and sensitive. The outgoing one likes the loudest toys in the world and climbs on anything. My shy baby loves books and trucks. They are a handfull at time but I wouldnt have it any other way!

post #86 of 133 (permalink) Old 07-13-2005, 07:10 AM
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Sampson will be 2 in late July 2005. Click here to enlarge

He talks constantly, but we have yet to understand him. I'm waiting for the day that he wakes up and says "Mother, will you kindly serve me a bit of cereal?"

Click here to enlarge

Cause the things he can say just bug my eyes out!! Click here to enlarge

Hes also my superman and my hero. I want to be just like him when I grow up--except I'd like to use the toilet instead of diapers.Click here to enlarge
post #87 of 133 (permalink) Old 07-20-2005, 11:11 AM
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Emilie - almost 3 (very bright and inquisitive - bordering on precocious; will talk to anyone and loves to perform for people)

Elivia - almost 15 months (took her first steps yesterday and is super cute and very sweet - has a language all her own and loves to talk in it)
post #88 of 133 (permalink) Old 08-02-2005, 01:08 PM
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my son Phil

He is my joy! He is 23 months old and he is a very expressive and outgoing child. He loves to laugh and smile and play. Right now I am having the most trouble with keeping him away from his 'Finding Nemo' dvd and getting the marker off my walls! He sleeps through the night (hallelujah) and he doesn't give us TOO much of a hard time when it comes to following directions.
post #89 of 133 (permalink) Old 08-02-2005, 01:11 PM
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any mother who has

more than one child at the same time... or even close in age has nothing but my utmost respect and admiration! i only have one boy and i am bouncing off the walls!

Click here to enlarge

Originally posted by Exhausted
Hi I'm new too Click here to enlarge

I have two boys that are 14 months old.
post #90 of 133 (permalink) Old 09-27-2005, 09:12 PM
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I have two walkers and talkers. Nolan will be 5 in January and talks talks talks. He is very observant of things. He is currently in the state funded pre k 5 days a week. He likes cars, monster trucks, spiderman and music.

Camille will be 3 in November. She has really started picking up her vocabulary lately, adding new words it seems like daily. She attends pre k at a local church 2 days a week.

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post #91 of 133 (permalink) Old 10-24-2005, 10:43 PM
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I have Abigail, who will be 5 in June and Mikaylah who will be 2 in July.

Abigail is very smart. She has been being homeschooled for the last two years, this last year more structured than the first. She loves music, dance and anything that involves her being the center of attention. She is a great big helper and big sister.

Mikaylah is very quiet and observant, but oh so sweet. She is just now starting to talk, but she understands when others talk to her. If you ask her if she is tired she will point to her bed, if she is hungry she will walk to the kitchen and point to the refrigerator. We joke she doesn't talk cause between mommy and her big sister she really doesn't need to. She loves to give hugs and kisses, especially to her sister.
post #92 of 133 (permalink) Old 10-27-2005, 09:49 PM
Scorpio Lady
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about me

I have a 20 month old named Morgan. She started to walk when she was 14 months old. She can say some words but understands a lot. She's my little miracle!
post #93 of 133 (permalink) Old 11-18-2005, 03:58 PM
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Abby is my 4 year old daughter, and Lia is my fiances 4 year old daughter. Abby lives with us and visits her bio father on weekends. Lia lives with her mom and visits us. We just had a baby Emma, 3 months ago. Life is crazy!!!
post #94 of 133 (permalink) Old 12-26-2005, 06:23 PM
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I have 13 month old K, and she has been walking sense 10 months. She can say several words, but after using them for awhile, they will compleately vanish. For example, she used totell me 'no' everytime she was asked to do something. I have not heard her say 'no' in weeks, nor can I coax it out of her.
She can (could) say Click here to enlarge, poppa, beebe, itty bitty, ho ho ho, uh oh, no, fishie, all done, hi there, poke........I think there are more but I canot remember right now.

We started elimination communication (or early potty training as some call it) about a month and a half ago, and due to illness have made no more progress then 'catching' one pee and one poop in the toilet. I hope to pick where we left off soon.
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post #95 of 133 (permalink) Old 01-04-2006, 10:19 PM
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I have one walker/runner and talker/never be quiter....Alisha (Ali) turned 3 in Oct. I also have a little one too.
post #96 of 133 (permalink) Old 02-23-2006, 06:50 AM
DD with Ramin Karimloo after Les Miz
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We have 2 kids

Dylan is 5 and in pre-K. We adopted him on his first birthday from Russia (Siberian Russia!) He's the sweetest hearted kid on the planet. Smart and mighty handsome.

Caroline is 3.5 and biological to us. She's in preschool and a firecracker. She has DH's language skills, is very an.alytical and nurturing. She also has a petulant streak that's getting a lot better as she gets older.
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post #97 of 133 (permalink) Old 03-11-2006, 12:27 AM
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I have four children, from seven down to almost five months. My 'walker and talker' would be Anastazia, who will be three on March 25.

To give an idea of her personality, the other day she came sweeping down the stairs and said to me "Mom, I am the queen and you haf to do what I say. I am always the queen."

She has a stubborn streak a mile wide but can melt your heart in seconds with her smile and snuggle.
post #98 of 133 (permalink) Old 03-13-2006, 04:09 PM
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I have an 8 year old DD who thinks she is a teenager and twin sons who are 2. All three of my children where preemies due to Pre-E. DD was 34 weeks with 2 weeks NICU and the boys were 30 weekers. They spent 50 days in the NICU and came home on oxygen and heart monitors until they were 5 months old.

DD had no delays but the boys did. DS1 has bilateral clubbed feet. DS2 had a PDA resolved with medication. They both have/had CLD, severe reflux, apnea, learning delays, Fine motor and gross motor issues.

They have progressed to where they only receive Developmental and Speech Therapy twice a month. DS1 also receives physical therapy twice a month along with wearing DAFOs and daily exercises.

They are laughing, happy, giggling, climbing demons and can destroy the entire house in the time it takes me to pee.
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post #99 of 133 (permalink) Old 04-18-2006, 08:17 AM
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Click here to enlarge I have 4 kids - B is 8 and has Asperger's like his mommy, R is 6 and is my little drama queen, and N & S are my 4 yr old twin boys - and I'm expecting #5 (another girl) in early May. I'm a WAH single mom and I also homeschool them so it gets a bit busy round here but I wouldn't change a thing.
post #100 of 133 (permalink) Old 05-19-2006, 11:01 AM
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I have a 3 yr old dd - Ady (ingenious user name, I know).

We are in the process of getting her to use the potty. While sitting on the pot, she reaches down and starts pulling apart her labia. "There's a tongue down there!" she says with a look of amazement. I laughed and said no sweetie, that's where you go pee from.
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