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post #1 of 5 (permalink) Old 08-30-2016, 07:31 PM Thread Starter
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Help Please

My son didn't try very hard in 7th grade, and of course got bad grades, which led him to failing 3 subjects. We were given the option: Summer school for $400 for 1 of the subjects(math) or repeat 7th grade. So, we paid the money and for 5 weeks, woke up early every morning and went to school. He got a 79 the first grading period, and after that they stopped sending them. Finally, I get the thing and found out his final grade was a 63. Now, schedules are out, and it shows him in 7th grade. He was extremely upset that all his friends are moving on, and then next year when he goes to 8th grade, they're all going to the high school. And, when they graduate, he will be left behind. I feel really bad for him. What can I do? I know he can do much better, and he promised me he'd try this year. What are my options as a parent? He passed the rest of his classes, so he'd just be repeating the whole grade just to retake those few. I would like him to go to eighth grade. What are my options as a parent? I haven't talked to the school yet, but can I just say I don't want him held back? Please help

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post #2 of 5 (permalink) Old 09-20-2016, 02:37 PM
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food obsession in my 7 year old

So I am am truly at a loss, at 3 years old my daughter's doctor told me she was over weight and they wanted me to attend their healthy weight clinic, as a child I struggled with being over weight and my daughter's father is also very heavy, so I have always been very health conscious with her. We attended this clinic for 2 years, during that time we learned about healthy eating, food to avoid, exercises the whole 9, and I followed it to a T, I even had a food journal for her, I had hoped we were creating healthy habits but instead it created an obsession, when she was 5 we stopped going to the clinic because nothing was changing with her weight, she continued to get taller but also gained weight with the height and I felt at that point the clinic was no longer helping us, well now she's 7 and food has become a full blown obsession, all the time she complains that she's hungry she eats every chance she gets sometimes hiding food from me, last year I found out she was eating 2 breakfasts and 2 lunches every single day and lying to her teacher about eating at home, I've spoken with her Dr and while they are concerned about her weight they have no idea why she is hungry all the time and tell me I need to regulate her better, but I don't know what to do any more if anyone has any advice I am all ears and very grateful
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post #3 of 5 (permalink) Old 09-20-2016, 02:45 PM
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I'm sorry I'm new on here and didn't realize I posted that on your post :-(
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post #4 of 5 (permalink) Old 09-20-2016, 03:07 PM
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as for your question, talk to the school, see if they will let him play catch up in the 8 th grade, it would be a lot of work because he'd be doing the math of 7th and 8th together but if it means keeping up with his friends he might be willing to do it, I would also ask the school why they would stop sending him after only a week and then fail him anyway
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post #5 of 5 (permalink) Old 08-15-2017, 07:10 AM
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Hi, Dear.
I can surely understand why you are concerned with her gaining weight and for all the right reasons. Sometimes giving birth to a healthy baby is genetic. Since you and your husband are both heavy as you mentioned, it is quite acceptable for your baby to be heavy as well! But apart from just being heavy, what I recall from her eating habits is that she is starting to move towards obesity. I know it is hurting to know that, but obesity is a real disease and it can drive an individual crazy! He is going to feel hungry no matter if he actually is not. The real reason for this is a hormonal imbalance. Our body secretes hormones to tell us when we are feeling hungry or thirsty. But with obese children that hormone never really stop releasing. And it can lead to many problems ahead in life has she hasn't treated already. I don't know if this can be treated, but you can do a few things to keep her weight under the monitor and in balance. It is not too late right now if you inculcate her with a habit of regular exercising. She is going to rebel against it in the start but you have to be a little strict with her. She doesn't know the harm that is coming to her. You don't have to be stressed out. You can consult specialists and make sure she doesn't eat junk even if she is eating too much food. Stop bringing meat, and only store fresh leafy food in your house. So that she herself gets fed up and moreover over-eating this kind of food will not make her fat. Take care.
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