I feel like running away (long) - Sybermoms Parenting Forum
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post #1 of 3 (permalink) Old 04-03-2006, 08:32 AM Thread Starter
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I feel like running away (long)

Not away from my two boys or anything like that, and not away from an SO/DH. I'm a single mom. I just feel like running away from my issues. And it's funny, I'm smart enough to realize that leaving the city I live in now isn't going to magically fix my problems. I just don't know what else to do.

Three years ago my mom moved 3 hours away, to a small town. She was a huge support to me, and her moving was awful. Suddenly I didn't have as much support as I was used to. It was okay for a while because I had an aunt who lived in my building. She allowed me to feel like I could still offer my boys a sense of family, and was there if I needed 15 minutes to myself on a hard day. In Sept. she moved to Alberta.

Now I feel like I have no one. Which sucks, because I have some amazing friends. Who do help me, who are totally there for me. So why do I feel so alone? Why do I feel like I need my "mommy"?

I know you might be wondering what my issue is, besides being without family. It's hard to admit this, I'm on welfare. And it hasn't been for a short time either. I feel stuck. I feel scared. I know in my mind what the answers are. It's obvious, get a job! I feel like it would be easier to achieve that if I had the support of my mom and extended family up north. Because I can't find child care in my area. But then I wonder if that's just me making excuses. I am so confused, so sick of my situation. I don't know where to start to make changes.

Sorry so long...just needed to get it out of my head. And maybe someone has been in my shoes and can offer me some advice.

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post #2 of 3 (permalink) Old 04-03-2006, 07:42 PM
Ambulance Chaser
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Not in your shoes but if you moved closer to a relative, would you really go out and get a job? Or would you feel that sense of security and get "comfy" with your life again?

Just something to think about.

Can you get some free counseling where you live?
post #3 of 3 (permalink) Old 04-21-2006, 03:13 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 38
I was afraid to do anything when I was living far away from my family. I felt just like you said, scared and stuck and needing mommy. When I finally moved closer to them, I was able to relax, so to speak, and I wasn't so afraid of making changes anymore.

I got out and got a job, which sparked my weight loss (I'd been depressed and overweight since my son was born), which made me feel better about me, which made me a better parent, etc. Each small change led to another, and another until I was finally happy and in a place where I wanted to be.

To me, my sense of family, my "blood", is what makes me feel safe. When I'm away from that I'm just not the same. Good luck to you. Click here to enlarge
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