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post #1 of 7 (permalink) Old 06-13-2016, 12:42 AM Thread Starter
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Depression during pregnancy

Hello, I’m almost 5 months pregnant and I have a really severe depression. I’m not the type of person who has lots of negative feelings and, also, my life is perfect: I have loving husband and perfect parents. Actually, I don’t have anything to worry about. Some days ago I started to search about depression during pregnancy and I accidentally found an interesting article about how sleep is important to pregnant woman. After reading it, I started to wonder if my depression is because of lack of sleep. Or maybe sleep isn’t main cause of depression and I’m suffering from Antenatal depression? I’m scared of talking to my husband about my condition and I don’t want to take any antidepressants. What do you think? Should I try to regulate my sleep?
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post #2 of 7 (permalink) Old 08-31-2017, 04:36 AM
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Originally Posted by proma View Post
Hello, I’m almost 5 months pregnant and I have a really severe depression. I’m not the type of person who has lots of negative feelings and, also, my life is perfect: I have loving husband and perfect parents. Actually, I don’t have anything to worry about. Some days ago I started to search about depression during pregnancy and I accidentally found an interesting article about how sleep is important to pregnant woman. After reading it, I started to wonder if my depression is because of lack of sleep. Or maybe sleep isn’t main cause of depression and I’m suffering from Antenatal depression? I’m scared of talking to my husband about my condition and I don’t want to take any antidepressants. What do you think? Should I try to regulate my sleep?
Yes, you should rest properly and maybe consider seeking help from a psychologist.
Because of being pregnant you can't take antidepressants. I think that going to therapy will help you to know the causes of it.
Maybe it is just a temporary mood swing because of hormonal changes.
You should tell your husband. He has the right to know how you feel and the duty of supporting you.
Don't feel afraid or ashamed of depression. x
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post #3 of 7 (permalink) Old 08-31-2017, 10:35 PM
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Hello Proma:

Depression, confusion and fear during pregnancy is a common phenomenon. Around 40% of the pregnant women face this problem. During pregnancy, there will be hormone fluctuations which can affect the brain chemical. This action would lead to depression and anxiety. Sleep at least7-8 hours is must for everyone, especially for pregnant ladies. In this situation you should not take even pain killers which might affect the baby. So, could not imagine about anti-depressants. Better you consult your Gynec, explain about your depression and insomnia. There are many safe treatments are available say support groups, psychotherapy, light therapy. You start doing meditation, count from 100-1 while on the bed, read some comical story books. Take proper nutritious food, add omega 3-fatty acids. I pray God for your healthy delivery.
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post #4 of 7 (permalink) Old 09-03-2017, 10:41 AM
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Most of the women go through this depressing phase during the pregnancy. During the fifth month of pregnancy your emotions and feelings are too closer to the surface. Therefore a few uncomfortable episodes are bound to happen. So basically you need to divert your attention and to initiate a meltdown think about the list of things that have to be done. Find new methods to cope up with anger and try and become more patient with things. All these emotional turmoil is happening because the pregnancy makes one lack patience. When I was expecting my first child, I was simply making issues out of nothing. My MIL and my neighbor were simply annoying to me before I got pregnant. And in 5th month, they became more and more intolerable and unbearable. I even asked my husband to tell his mother not to visit our house till I don’t deliver the baby. My neighbor was always giving advices and I was just in no mood to hear her. And I told her upfront to just don’t talk to me ever. But these were the wrong ways to deal with the situation I now realize if after I saw their support for me. My husband had to go to Houston and while he was in his flight my water broke. It was my neighbor who took me to the hospital and called up my MIL to take care of me. So you know you need to maintain the balance and take care of these petty things rather than involving yourself in fights. Yes try sleeping, it will help you.
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post #5 of 7 (permalink) Old 09-08-2017, 07:28 AM
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Hi dear. Sorry to hear that you are facing this kind of problems while pregnant. Being a mother is the greatest gift given by god to a woman. The joy you can feel when your child smiles at you and calls you mom will be immense. I can understand your physical and mental status at this stage of pregnancy. It is not an easy job to handle this critical problem. I was feeling almost same kind of problem. My husband stood by me in that period. We consulted a Ukraine based gynecologist who gave me valuable tips and tricks which helped me in pregnancy a lot. You can start from day first with proper planning to reduce depression during pregnancy. You can read positive books that in hands your energy level in your body. You can increase your confidence to handle all type of problem in easy and effective. Try to play some easy on body games to reduce the depression level. I hope my thought will help you to give birth to a bright and healthy baby. Be happy and stay blessed.
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post #6 of 7 (permalink) Old 09-11-2017, 03:43 AM
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First of all, I want to congratulation for your pregnancy. This is unforgettable moment in your life. I can understand your physical and mental stage at this time. You should celebrate this moment in your life that fulfills your whole life with happiness. It is time to make proper planning to defeat stress and depression from your body and mind to get full relaxation and make it beneficial platform for you and your baby in many ways. I am one of the lucky women who defeated stress and depression during pregnancy in easy and effective way. We try each and every effective method to avoid negative thinking and depression during pregnancy but not succeed. We consult with popular gynecologist of Ukraine to get permanent solution of stress and depression during pregnancy. It is not childish act to face this horrible problem in easy way.
This is medical certified fact that stress and depression are responsible for miscarriage and other metal problem during pregnancy. You need not panic about this horrible stress and depression in your life. Today we are living in advanced digital world. You can easily handle all type of problem in professional way. You need not to spend single penny on stress and depression management in professional way. You make proper planning from day first to handle this difficult situation in effective way. You can start early morning walk and easy exercise to maintain your body and mind in balance to provide proper blood supply to all reproduction system for genuine working. It is universal truth that yoga and meditation is powerful method to overcome stress and depression situation in your life in easy and effective way you can see sudden magic effect of yoga and meditation on your health within one week.
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post #7 of 7 (permalink) Old 09-16-2017, 06:55 AM
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Hi dear,
It is good that you have discovered that you are suffering from prenatal depression. Very few women can notice when they suffer from this problem. The trouble is that the depression is likely to affect the development of the fetus. It could also harm you if you don’t take appropriate actions right away. Note that prenatal depression is a life-changing event and that as a mother it will restrict you a lot. So I would like to advise you to seek the following remedial actions:
Try as much as you can to relax and take things easy.
Spend a lot of time with your partner and if possible explain to him the changes you are going through. Let him know that you are depressed
Talk about your fears and share the details with your husband and friends.
I would also advise you to seek counseling services and if possible visit a doctor for medication.
Lastly, I would like to urge you never to take life seriously. Remain calm and don’t worry too much
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