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post #21 of 30 (permalink) Old 03-27-2018, 09:38 AM
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I had unexplained infertility and it took me 4 years to conceive my oldest son and 1 year to conceive my second. I know exactly how you felt. Then I found a clinic in Ukraine (BiotexCom) for IVF.I swear it was the best decision of my life.Just stay postive you'll find your way out.
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post #22 of 30 (permalink) Old 03-27-2018, 12:09 PM
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Unexplained infertility is annoying, I know. I have a friend who's 45 and hasn't had a baby. She had been TTC for years. The doctor told her that she should just keep TTC. Guess what? Even after 10 years of trying, the doctors say the same to her. Unfortunately, you are right that you can't cure what you don't know. I am very sorry for your trouble. I really wish there was something positive to say. Anyway, no news is good news, right? Maybe you're giving up too early. Many couples have trouble conceiving for the first few years. You probably might conceive by the end of this year! Keep your fingers crossed and keep TTC. You never know when a miracle is coming your way. Oh, don't forget to update us!
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post #23 of 30 (permalink) Old 03-27-2018, 02:26 PM
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So called unexplained infertility is a huge problem nowadays. Unfortunately, doctors don't know how to deal with it. A lot of couples just give up. It is so frustrating. Every woman should have kids! It is so unfair. I just don't understand why it is happening to us. Anyway, medicine is also developing very fast. Doctors are inventing different treatments to help infertile couples. Such services as IVF, surrogacy and adoption are getting very popular. And it is really great. We all should have a solution to our issue. Personally I am going through surrogacy at the moment. As I'm unable to give birth, this is my chance to get my biological baby. A lot of couples are afraid of surrogacy. But there's nothing to be afraid of. Everything will be fine if you choose a good reproduction center. If your husband's tests are OK, you should think of IVF or surrogacy. You should discuss these options with your doctor. After all, adoption is also a great option. There are so many lonely kids, which need home.
Whatever you choose, you should remember that you still have a chance to become parents. It is very important to stay positive. You will lose as soon as you give up. That's why stay strong and keep fighting. Every person is worth of having kids. And you are not an exception. Do your best to solve this issue.
Let me support you, dear. Keep trying and you will succeed. Good luck.
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post #24 of 30 (permalink) Old 03-30-2018, 12:21 PM
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Hey dear! My condolences are with you. I can understand how you feel. I wanted to share my story to tell you that if something wrong happens no need to worry you have many methods. I was diagnosed with diabetes type 2 and was pregnant. Doctors started my diabetes treatments and due to change in insulin levels i lost my baby not once but thrice. After 5 years of struggling i went through IVF and failed its 3 cycle and then my doctors recommended me surrogacy and in went to Europe and now have a son. Telling you my story doesn’t mean that you cannot recover, i only wanted to let you know that surrogacy is a blessing. Hope for the best and take the treatment for next week and then decide. Best of luck.
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post #25 of 30 (permalink) Old 03-31-2018, 06:13 AM
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Hello @Melanija, good to see you here. Everything is fine here. I just hope if you are doing good too. Well, the main problem with you is actually you give up too early. Can you please mention some details about you? Life is a war, only those succeed who never lose hope and keep on trying. You are such a nice and hardworking woman. It will be easier for you to cope with it. Instead of going through the basic tests, I think you should visit some fertility experts. A fertility expert can guide you in a very better way. Most of the experts recommend surrogacy treatment. IVF is also another option but it’s hard for some patients to carry a chemical pregnancy as it requires good health. So, keep trying, have a detailed check-up before the time passed away. Best wishes from mine side!
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post #26 of 30 (permalink) Old 04-02-2018, 07:10 PM
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Hey dear.I can understand your condition.Sometimes it could happen with a woman.It's difficult to understand the clear situation.I would suggest you not to take any more risk and waste the time.You should take another optionlike surrogacy and IVF.You have great chances to have the blessing of a baby through this.Keep up the good work.Good luck.
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post #27 of 30 (permalink) Old 04-04-2018, 10:26 AM
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Hi monika. Thank you for outlining these options for us. TTC with infertility issues is a long tiring journey. I wish everyone here gets their good news soon. I'm sorry for your IUI attempts. These usually work best when wife is healthy but husband has an issue. As for you, I think IVF or surrogacy would be better. Good luck and let us know what the clinic suggests you.
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post #28 of 30 (permalink) Old 04-05-2018, 06:28 AM
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Hey, I am so sorry for you. Infertility takes alot out of a person. I would suggest you that you should go for some other test from somewhere else too. Someto=imes infertility is not known. My sister had the same problem. They were not able o have babies. They went to the doctor and then her test were clear. Her husband tests were clear too. So she went to other clinic. Where she came to know that she is facing infertility. She went for treatments after that but failed. In the end she opted surrogacy for her. She wanted babies badly. So she went for it. After all that struggle she was blessed. Its been 2 years and now she is planning to have another baby soon. I hope this would help some other people too.
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post #29 of 30 (permalink) Old 04-05-2018, 06:29 AM
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Hey, I am so sorry for you. Infertility takes a lot out of a person. I would suggest you that you should go for some other test from somewhere else too. Sometimes infertility is not known. My sister had the same problem. They were not able o have babies. They went to the doctor and then her test was clear. Her husband tests were clear too. So she went to other clinics. Where she came to know that she is facing infertility. She went for treatments after that but failed. In the end, she opted surrogacy for her. She wanted babies badly. So she went for it. After all that struggle she was blessed. Its been 2 years and now she is planning to have another baby soon. I hope this would help some other people too.
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post #30 of 30 (permalink) Old 11-23-2018, 12:25 AM
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Originally Posted by mariegresham View Post
Hello, I am sorry that you are not feeling good.I am also facing unexplained infertility.My husband is the very fertile.No issue was there.But I diagnosed infertility.It is the worst thing in the universe.Children are the great blessing.No one can survive without them.I had my baby with IVF process in Ukraine.Now, my life is complete.Best wishes.
Hello. Sorry to hear about your struggles with fertility. I'm glad you didn't continue TTC but got treatment instead. A friend recently underwent IVF as well. She is pregnant now. Congratulations to you on finally having your baby through. Thanks for sharing your story here.
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