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post #1 of 1 (permalink) Old 08-18-2004, 07:27 PM Thread Starter
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Talking Could it be?

Is it true? That my dear loving son is potty trained? We (meaning I) started potty training our son two Sunday. I came home from work to my husband telling me to go get some diapers because we were out. I said I will in a few days. I put some underwear onDS and I put him on the potty. He pooped his pants about an hour later. So I took him into the bathroom and put the poopy in the toliet and said thats where it goes. I then cleaned up DS and put a clean pair of underwear on him. About three hours later I hear DS in the bathroom. I walk towards the bathroom and I hear him going potty. I could have jumped out of my skin! Of course after that he had about 5 more accidents. Then on Monday, he woke up dry (he had a diaper on) so I try out the sleeping in underwear. Well he woke up dry and he went to the potty after I woke him up (with some encouragment from me) Well he's gone to the potty a few times the next couple of days and his butt was hanging into the potty so I get him a potty seat cover. It has blues clues on it. Well now I can't get him off the potty. (I bought it for him three days ago) When he's awake he has to go to the potty. Sometimes he actually does go potty but others he just sits there as happy as can be. He even goes poopy. Before he flushes he always makes sure I notice (which I do) and then he flushes the toliet (his fav part) he hasn't had an accident in four days. Not even at night. I just wanted to share with everyone because I'm just so proud of him!

Question though, how long of them going with no accidents during the day would you call potty trained. I bought some diapers just in case but he doesn't even want to wear them anymore. I know accidents will happen at night I'm just curious.
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