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post #1 of 5 (permalink) Old 04-04-2005, 07:58 AM Thread Starter
Wayward Wombat
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Potty Training

My 3yr old will be 4 in Nov. I really wanted him to be potty trained by now. I would love for him to start with school. I know he doesn't need it but I would love for him to have the interaction with other kids.

Sadly nothing is working. I have bribed(I know this bad), we have tried to make him (again I know this is bad), I have backed off in hopes like with my oldest he would say one day, I'm done with diapers.

I am trying to find other things, he doesn't care to be rewarded. I just can't change any more of his shitty diapers, they are really getting gross.
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post #2 of 5 (permalink) Old 04-04-2005, 09:36 AM
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My dd will be 4 in December and despite knowing in my head that she'd "do it when she's ready," I just couldn't/can't fathom how she could not be trained already. I mean, she can almost read! It makes no sense to me. And it's frustrating. I totally know how you feel.

But, we are almost there. All of a sudden, in the last two weeks (I know I'm going to jinx myself) she has been telling us when she has to go and staying dry in a pull-up. We were having lots of disasters in panties, so we stuck with pull-ups. She will even tell me now when we're in a store. Most of the time she still poops in the pull up b/c she's not as good as knowing when she has to go and she's too impatient to sit on the potty and wait.

So, when you say rewards, do you mean small things like stickers and stuff? Dd wasn't fazed by those or even M&Ms (yeah, I know all the things I said I'd never do). But what did work was a large promise: ballet slippers. I told her only big girls could wear them and she could get some when she could wear panties all the time, with only accidents sometimes. (I've tried to teach her that accidents are completely normal and expected.)

At first, she didn't even care about the ballet shoes. But then I mentioned them in front of my mom, and my mom got really into coaching her (she lives w/us) and reminding her that she could get them if she peed. And then magically one day she just started telling us she had to go and staying dry in between.

Is there a big thing you could promise your ds that he might get excited about? I know some people say to stop and give it a rest for a while. I didn't want to do that. I felt she was too old for that. So I remained consistent, urging her to go throughout the day. If she really resisted I would give up.

Does he go on the potty at all? Have you already tried buying cool underwear?
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post #3 of 5 (permalink) Old 04-04-2005, 10:28 AM Thread Starter
Wayward Wombat
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He wants to go to school to. He keeps asking when he can go, and I've been telling him when he's potty trained he can go.

He's not into stickers, I'm pretty sure it would have to be something big for him. He's not a small potatoes kind of kid.

He get's mad at me when I ask him if he needs to go. He really hates being asked the same question over and over again.

My MIL had bought him all kind of underwear. He has Thomas and Spiderman and still he could careless. I gave up with the pullups because all he seemed to do in them was poop. It was getting to expensive to keep that up.

Thanks for the help.
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post #4 of 5 (permalink) Old 04-06-2005, 05:09 PM
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I wish I had some great advice, but all kids are different. My son wasn't trained until he was 3, my oldest dd was trained at 2. My 2yo will pee if I put her on, but wioll not tell me she needs to go. I guess patience is the key. It is a control issue with many kids and in order to break the stalemate, you may have to find a way to let him control his training. DOes that make sense?
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post #5 of 5 (permalink) Old 04-13-2005, 04:49 AM
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I don't know for my son all it took right before he turned four was "You can't go to to school if you don't poop on the potty"...

Two days later he was potty trained and never had an accident.

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