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post #1 of 10 (permalink) Old 05-07-2002, 08:51 PM Thread Starter
Wayward Wombat
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My son is driving me bonkers

I want, I need, I must wean him. I am 11 weeks pg and I just can not do it anymore. I don't want to nurse him anymore.

I'm tired, I'm irritable, I'm a cranky bitch. I jsut want to sleep but he wants to nurse. All the fucking time. I try to give him food he turns it down and grabs for my breasts. I give him something to drink he throws it on the floor and grabs for my breasts.

I'm about to abandon him for a weekend and just cold turkey wean him.
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post #2 of 10 (permalink) Old 05-07-2002, 09:23 PM
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How old is he?
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post #3 of 10 (permalink) Old 05-07-2002, 11:01 PM
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Girl then go do it , he will be mad but if he's making you this upset you need to nip it in the bud. After a few days they forget how to nurse right and get mad the milk won't come out. Your sanity and health being prego is more important then his hurt feelings. Good luck! P.S. Where you going and can I come too?Click here to enlarge
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post #4 of 10 (permalink) Old 05-08-2002, 08:58 PM
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I know exactly how you feel!! I'm 10 weeks 5 days preg. and my ds still nurses (he's almost 19 months) It drives me nuts! I don't know what to do but I've got to get this over with!
post #5 of 10 (permalink) Old 05-08-2002, 09:15 PM
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Well, I'm not pregnant. But we have negociated some limits on nursing for my comfort. The num nums now sleep at night because they are tired. We can snuggle, but the num nums won't wake up until dawn. We did this as she neared 2 year. She wasn't actually nursing that much at night anymore, but she'd get a lazy latch and bite me. We also only nurse in certain areas and sometimes we have a time limit of one song. I hope you don't have to resort to cold turkey. And they don't always forget if they are old enough to remember.

Good luck and I hope your dh gets involved in the non-nursing comforting. Dd always seems to accept her daddy's attempts at non-nursing comfort better than mine. She knows I have them.
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post #6 of 10 (permalink) Old 05-13-2002, 09:02 PM
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Oh, wow, I can relate. I nursed ds1 until he was 19 months old, but I finally encouraged him to wean b/c I was four months pg and nursing was excruciating (both physically and mentally).

I didn't cold-turkey wean him, though, and it took a few weeks, but I did establish some very clear nursing boundaries.

1) Milkies went night-night at a certain time every night. Hell, I think we even sang a lullaby to them once. Click here to enlarge

2) Dh became more involved in sleepytime rituals when he was home.

3) The best way for me to avoid the bedtime nursing was to plop ds1 in the car and drive for about 15 minutes to 1/2 hour. He loves the car and would fall asleep without nursing. Eventually, I nixed the car and just rocked him in the rocking chair.

4) Provide a sippy cup of water near the bed. Ds1 still needs his sippy cup of water before he goes to bed.

5) Praise, praise, praise -- we really praised him when he fell asleep without nursing.

It seemed really strange at first, but ds1 was ready to wean and didn't fight it too much. I think there are definitely "readiness pockets" -- I had tried a few weeks earlier with no luck. Honestly, I wouldn't try the cold-turkey idea unless there are no other options. Why not set a time limit and make a plan, and then, if he still isn't weaned, then you can consider cold turkey. Even though you desperately want to wean right now, I think you'll find that you feel a little bit of nostalgia when you do. At least, that's how I felt.

Good luck.
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post #7 of 10 (permalink) Old 05-16-2002, 10:31 AM
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No real advice for ya, just hope you start getting your own needs taken care of.

I've thought of weaning my 19 mo old and I'm not pg cause it just gets to be a drain sometimes, but we've got it down to 3x/day and sometimes just 2x, and most days I can deal with that.

How old is he?

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post #8 of 10 (permalink) Old 05-22-2002, 05:21 PM
Daisy Duck
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My DS was 9 months old when I got pregnant with his little brother. It sucked in the begining. It should get better during the second trimester though. ... At least physically it will anyway.

DS#1 would nurse all the time now still if I would let him. I try to distract him with a book, a cat, a movie, a special snack.

Hopefully it's just a brief phase he's going through and things will get better soon for you.
post #9 of 10 (permalink) Old 06-15-2002, 09:39 PM
Bite Me
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BTDT Is he nursing more? Teething? I'd try to figure out what's going on and then working on weaning from that angle.
post #10 of 10 (permalink) Old 07-06-2002, 10:21 AM
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to:my sonis driving me bonkers

Have you talked to a doctor about this?
you can consult jack newman, @
many have i have noticed and state that his info. is great!!.
i personally agree with primetime.
i think you really need to do what is best for yu.
your saying your little one is 11mo.s old
my children stopped nursing about then. and then i started weaning them.
it takes time. can't be done over night.
still have that connected contact, very important but in a different way.
story time, music time,listening to music together,play together
withblocks or ....
have your partner feed him . you feed him his veggies, or what his meal is. u can still breastfeed but give to him through bottle form, say at nighttime. that way he gets your milk but it isn't connected to u, he will connect with the bottle, instead.
again, it is important to talk to a professional also, lalechaleague is very good!!. check it out on the internet.
they counsel breastfeeding mothers and mothers to be.
on the internet, click on health, then put in breastfeeding and you will be connected to all kinds of info. the lalecheleague has a lot of info. and they are the people i would check out first.

good luck to you, you need to take care of yourself so you can take care of 0thers.


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