horrid cousin - Sybermoms Parenting Forum
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post #1 of 1 (permalink) Old 04-07-2009, 08:36 PM Thread Starter
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 1
Unhappy horrid cousin

I am having quite a time with the little cousin who lives across the road. She is one of the most disrespectful, spoiled, nasty and aggressive little girls I have ever met! To make matters worse, her parents choose to ignore the problem and my hubby runs the family business with her dad. My girls are 8 and 12. After school, they are at home for about 45 minutes before I arrive (Dad does come in the house and check on them- he is around). Anyway, on occasion, the horrid cousin is in the house when no adult is present. My girls tell me that she goes through our cupboards, throws toys across the room (have caught her at this), yanks the controller out of the video game when she isn't winning, the list goes on. She even was looking through our prescription meds and asking my older girl about them. Now, my older girl is refusing her anxiety meds saying the cousin teases her about meds. My older girl struggles with self esteem due to LD and Aspergers syndrome (mild autism) and this cousin calls her "dog". Last weekend, I confronted her about the name-calling, she admitted it and now my girls say she won't talk to them. YAY!!!! My hubby says I am teaching my girls to hate her. I say it is her own fault. She is 10 yrs old and knows better. Last year, at my younger girl's b-day party she swung a bat at my older girl's head just for fun (thank goodness she missed!). I do not want to invite her to any more parties which means that I cannot invite the rest of hubby's family (would cause a fued because for some reason they all think the kid walks on water). The rest of the family is fine. I feel awful because I try to follow the teachings of Jesus and be a forgiving Christian. However, I feel that if I let it continue I will teach my girls to be doormats.
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