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post #41 of 47 (permalink) Old 01-02-2004, 06:19 PM
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Originally posted by megs
Intenshn. Honey. Twink is a L/D nurse. She's not ignorant. You on the other hand .... well, let's not go there. She is saying that a multiple birth VBAC is not a good idea. And she's right. She's not talking about VBACS after a multiple birth.
Not to get into too much detail here, since the information is readily available in the medical journals; however, I insist that a VBAC multiple birth is no more dangerous than a singleton VBAC birth. Just becuz Twink is an L/D nurse does not make her the authority on the national standard of method of childbirth. I do not want to debate this here because this is a support thread. I support Meg's doctor's choice becuz her babies are breech - as long as they stay in that position when she goes into labor, most doctors cannot handle that situation, and they are safer being born via selective surgery.

Meg, please keep us updated on your progress! I am very interested in how everything goes, and praying that your babies are delivered safely, and you get to bring them home soon!!! Click here to enlarge
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post #42 of 47 (permalink) Old 01-02-2004, 08:07 PM
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Think about it. The more that the uterus is stretched out the more the old scar is at risk.

It is a moot point since her babies are breech. It is not a smart idea to try to ,essentially a primip, with an unproven pelvis and a breech baby.

I am not one of those who believe - broadly speaking - that women are better than men. We have not wrecked railroads, nor corrupted legislatures, nor done many unholy things that men have done; but then we must remember that we have not had the chance.- Jane Addams
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post #43 of 47 (permalink) Old 01-02-2004, 08:11 PM
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Intenshin, debate away here. Yes it's a support forum, but it doesn't mean we can't have a good healthy debate. Debating however would not include critizing a specific poster's choice-that is to all, not just Int.

I am with all about the VBAC with a multiple birth, it is more dangerous, and I am one who fought having a section with my 4th. Obviously a uterus that is stretched to capacity is under a lot more pressure and more weakened.

I'm still really shocked by the fact that you were induced at 35 1/2 weeks b/c of the parents wishes, was there anything else happening, any other reasons that you should've given birth at that time?

And Elizabeth Noble's book is a VERY good one, we have it linked in the info thread at the top.

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post #44 of 47 (permalink) Old 01-02-2004, 10:41 PM
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I insist that a VBAC multiple birth is no more dangerous than a singleton VBAC birth.
I too have heard this, however, each womans choice of birth should be between her and her doctor. Being that I didn't have a c-section with my first, I am not as informed on VBAC because it wasn't something I was faced with. I did know however that the potential of a c-section was high being pg with twins but not with the first but the second twin. I got lucky( a little determination was in there too) and did both vaginally the first being head down and an inversion with the second. I feel great that I beat the odds, but I had a super awesome ob who was willing to let me try to do a vaginal delivery instead of just scheduling me for a c-section, as is often times done with twins, even if they haven't had c-sections before. The point being that he gave me the choice, he let me make the decison that was right for me. I think that is what is important to realize. If someone doesn't want to attempt a VBAC then that is thier choice, it is the right choice for them.
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post #45 of 47 (permalink) Old 01-05-2004, 10:00 AM
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I had my twins at 36 wks. I had an emergency c-section as both were in distress and my blood pressure was dangerously high. Also both were breech and sitting on my hip bones. If I get pregnant again I definately want to try VBAC
post #46 of 47 (permalink) Old 01-05-2004, 05:46 PM
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I went into labor at 34 weeks, and ended up with a c-section.
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post #47 of 47 (permalink) Old 01-06-2004, 09:41 PM
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Originally posted by Dragonditties
I had my twins at 36 wks. I had an emergency c-section as both were in distress and my blood pressure was dangerously high. Also both were breech and sitting on my hip bones. If I get pregnant again I definately want to try VBAC
And that is a textbook case as to why C-sections were invented. I am happy to hear that your children were okay, and that you want to try a VBAC next time.

Someone asked me why I was induced with my triplets. I wasn't induced....I never felt a labor pain or contraction during the whole pregnancy. The parents scheduled a planned C-section because they personally were afraid of childbirth. Had I to do it over again, I don't know if I would've put my foot down and said no, even knowing what I now know about how difficult it is to get an OB doctor to "let" me do a VBAC. When you are carrying someone else's babies, a part of you needs to let the parents make major decisions like that. I do believe in women having choices in childbirth. That's what's lacking unfortunately in most cases.

Is there a danger of an overstretched uterus in multiple pregnancy? Of course! That's what can cause pre-mature labor and birth. I suppose some women are so stretched they can't even feel if they are having contractions...that's what the "experts" told me anyway when I was pregnant with mine. Luckily, I studied very thoroughly everything I could get my hands on that would clue me in on what signs to look for, and what the odds were for or against me. My ex husband worked in a hospital, and I had access to the medical journals. I also bought every book I could find on multiple pregnancy, read every magazine article on the film strips at the public library, and subscribed to numerous newsletters. I also talked to other people who had triplet pregnancies to learn their stories, and consulted with two different midwives who had experience with multiple pregnancy and births. I was a walking wealth of knowledge!

During my C-section, my OB confirmed that my uterus never stretched to capacity..even saying that a 4th baby would've fit nicely beside the other 3. After my 1st VBAC went smoothly, the 2nd VBAC should've been a breeze to pass off to the medical community....because I had a proven uterus, and proven VBAC. Not so however I found....I had to fight like hell to get my 2nd VBAC.

A stretched uterus is not the culprit when it comes to the dangers of a weak C-section scar, and certainly not in the top 3 when it comes to reasons for rupture. The number one reason for rupture is pitocin induction....and the 2nd reason is a lousy stitch job in the first place. The body will heal. That's what it's meant to do.

Yes, childbirth is a choice. But make sure you know the reasons for your choices. Be informed.
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