When mom is ready to wean but baby is not - Sybermoms Parenting Forum
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post #1 of 7 (permalink) Old 04-05-2004, 01:49 AM Thread Starter
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When mom is ready to wean but baby is not

Please don't started yelling at me (or typing in caps Click here to enlarge)

Emma will be 2 on May 31. I had many struggles to nurse her, it was hell. But once she caught on at six months, she loved nursing. Now, she will nurse ALL day. Several times an hour. If I am sitting down, she is nursing. I have to be a moving target sometimes. That does not work well, though. If she wants to nurse and I'm standing, she will get very angry, try to pull me down, and bit my legs. She is very determined. I offer drinks from a cup - so she will hold the cup and nurse. She will not drink cows milk/rice milk/almond milk, etc. She will only drink water from a cup.

But so much is going on right now, I am really incredibly overwhelmed and feel that part of it is this constant nursing. I have tried a "we only nurse at nap/bed" time but she will fight me for ever trying to get under my shirt. She ends up hysterical, I end up crying, etc.

This sounds rambling if I have left out any pertinent points, just ask. And Please help before I go really insane from 24 hour nursing.
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post #2 of 7 (permalink) Old 04-05-2004, 04:15 AM
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I am not going to yell at you because I am ready to wean my almost 2 year old ds. He is a boob nut. He loves nursing and I have no idea how to go about even starting to wean.

I really want to do child led weaning, but OI I want my boobs back. He is such a wiggler and I am sick of the flailing and kicks.

We just went through a non stop nurseathon a couple of weeks ago and I thought I was going to go nuts. I was so touched out for that whole week and really started to resent nursing. Then it slowed down and he is back to only nursing 3-4 times a day so it is a little more managable.

I will most likely keep going, I don't want to rush him. I tend to distract him with a book or going outside when he wants to nurse, but he still nurses first thing in the am, nap time and bed.

Good luck, and if you need any support feel free to PM me(like you have any time-right). I know what you are going through.
post #3 of 7 (permalink) Old 04-05-2004, 05:41 AM
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I was going to post that I was in the same boat, but you've both made me feel thankful that my 2yr old is only nursing at bedtime and first thing in the morning. I'm able to distract him most other times of the day, but it just seems like there is no end in sight for those other 2 sessions. I certainly understand how both of you are feeling. I'm sure someone here has some advice.
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post #4 of 7 (permalink) Old 04-05-2004, 10:34 AM
Just AmyG
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Pick one time of day that drives you the nuttiest and refuse to nurse at that time--the boobs are empty at lunchtime so we have to eat food or whatever time. Use lots of activity, lots of books, lots of running aroun doing errands, or whatever distractions to enforce that at that time of day we don't nurse. Change the chair you sit in, don't go near the usual nursing place at that time of day.

Make sure that you keep offering offering offering other things to drink--try juice in the cup, make a smoothie(yogurt and fruit) or a slushy with 100% fruit juice. Try it in a "big girl cup" like mommy drinks out of. Also offer offer offer on snacks, all kinds of stuff, make it easily accessible--a little barely covered plate with some cheese, fruit, crackers, whatever that is pretty easy for her to help herself, and to make her own big girl decision on what to snack on--they still often need to eat every 2-3 hours and we forget that sometimes

A lot of kids go thru a growth spurt, combined with an attitude of I don't want to grow up yet, let me be the baby, that increases nursings at this age. Also, consider if molar teething pain is the culprit--if so, offer pain relief, cold things to chew on, and consider serving foods colder than usual so they feel good to the gums.

And remember, this too shall pass.

For some, limiting how long you can nurse helps--even to the point of setting a timer, or some other kind of limit that helps mom to know that it's ok to say no, and helps the kid to understand when they can nurse and when they can't. Sometimes just getting a little break helps so much that you don't feel so stressed to wean RIGHT NOW!!
post #5 of 7 (permalink) Old 04-05-2004, 11:21 AM
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Wow I'm there too. Good advice Just AmyG. Thanks. Maybe we need a boobie support group (any good acronyms for B R A?)
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post #6 of 7 (permalink) Old 04-05-2004, 11:37 AM
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Some things that are helping us....

Whenever she asks to nurse, insist on doing something else with her. Get her a snack, stack blocks, go see if the doll du jour needs a new diaper (this is dd's favorite--she "changes" her dolls a million times a day), go see what the kitty is up to. Don't say "no nursies," say something exciting like "I know! Let's go do XYZ!!"

Figure out something yummy she can and will drink in the cup. Dd loves white grape juice cut with water.

When she really wants nursing-type-snuggle and it's not one of our two (progress!) nursing times, sometimes I'll hold her in a nursing position and hold her sippy cup for her. She thinks this is sort of silly but she likes it. She's also figured out a snuggle position she likes a lot for drinking her cup instead of nursing.

Naomi's countdown method worked well for us when I was getting seriously overwhelmed with what seemed like constant nursing.
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post #7 of 7 (permalink) Old 04-05-2004, 07:59 PM
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Do they have chastity belts for boobs? Click here to enlarge

I'm pulling for you, Barbie.
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