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post #1 of 9 (permalink) Old 09-11-2006, 12:26 PM
Ambulance Chaser
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Here I am....

I guess it makes sense to start off with the body cavity search, as if childbearing weren't invasive enough...

**How did you hear About us? If from another site, which one and what was/is your username there?

**Were you referred by a current or past member of Sybermoms? Who?
It was so long ago I don't remember. It took months for me to remember I wanted to check this place out.

**How many kids? Ages?
I have a girl, 5 months actual, 3 months adjusted.

**What kind (brand, model, year) of Child Safety Restraint Devices do you have, and when was the last time you checked for recalls on them? If it's been a while, you can check right now at that link.
2006 Peg Perego Primo Viaggio, and yes, I'm always (neurotically) looking for recalls.

**Will you cry if picked on?
I hope not, will you?

**Will you threaten to sue us if we hurt your feelings?
No, I'll get even in more devious ways.

**Have you ever, at any website, posted a goodbye post?
I didn't know anyone did that.

**Have you ever, at any website, or IRL, faked an illness/your own death/someone else's death to gain attention/sympathy/get out of trouble/get laid?
Wow, that'd be a no.

**Will you join in and pick on others?
I'm usually rooting for the underdog, so I would probably pick on the picker.

** Are you aware that picking on children and people with disabilities isn't very funny?
I am aware.

** Are you aware that using the term re.tard, or any variation thereof as an insult does not make you funny or cool? It displays your limited imagination and a marked lack of class.
Well I think that answers that question.

**If you heard of Sybermoms by "word of mouth", what is the one thing that stuck out most for you, about our reputation?
"Not for the faint of heart"

**Are you Magnolia Blue? JAS? willi? Meli?
Don't think so....

**Do you have any questions for us? (please note to all the WR groupies, you don't have to be a badass to everyone on these threads.)
Any advice for this forum?
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post #2 of 9 (permalink) Old 09-11-2006, 01:47 PM
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Can you explain the adjusted/actual age thing? I've never quite understood it--do you generally go with her age from birth when people ask how old she is?
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post #3 of 9 (permalink) Old 09-11-2006, 03:02 PM
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I'm curious, too. To add to that question, how old do you think she'll be before you stop adjusting her age?

Does LLL have a message board or did you learn about us in a rl meeting?

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post #4 of 9 (permalink) Old 09-11-2006, 05:58 PM
Ambulance Chaser
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My daughter was 7 weeks premature so her actual age is 5 months, but developmentally she is 3 months old. I generally tell people she is 5 months old, but there are times when people start asking "Is she doing..?" or say "she's so small" and that's when I will say her adjusted age. I often feel like I need to tell people she was 2 months early as if to justify her, even before someone asks - I'm not sure if it can be compared to a disability because she is perfectly healthy mentally and physically, but I imagine new parents of disabled children feel the same way - like I want to say something before someone can ask. I also think that since it was such a difficult thing for me, I need to point out that I worked really hard for my baby!Click here to enlarge They say that Preemies catch up at about 2 years old, but I've always wondered if that's just when all babies slow down their development.

LLL does have a message board, quite similar to this one.
post #5 of 9 (permalink) Old 09-11-2006, 06:30 PM
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post #6 of 9 (permalink) Old 09-11-2006, 06:41 PM
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Originally Posted by flyingpig
My daughter was 7 weeks premature so her actual age is 5 months, but developmentally she is 3 months old. I generally tell people she is 5 months old, but there are times when people start asking "Is she doing..?" or say "she's so small" and that's when I will say her adjusted age. I often feel like I need to tell people she was 2 months early as if to justify her, even before someone asks - I'm not sure if it can be compared to a disability because she is perfectly healthy mentally and physically, but I imagine new parents of disabled children feel the same way - like I want to say something before someone can ask. I also think that since it was such a difficult thing for me, I need to point out that I worked really hard for my baby!Click here to enlarge They say that Preemies catch up at about 2 years old, but I've always wondered if that's just when all babies slow down their development.

LLL does have a message board, quite similar to this one.
Thanks for explaining. Click here to enlarge
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post #7 of 9 (permalink) Old 09-12-2006, 03:35 PM
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post #8 of 9 (permalink) Old 09-12-2006, 07:34 PM
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Sweet, I am 3 months younger than I thought!! (born almost 3 months early)
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post #9 of 9 (permalink) Old 09-13-2006, 06:20 AM
Ambulance Chaser
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by What Just Happened?
Click here to enlarge welcome

Sweet, I am 3 months younger than I thought!! (born almost 3 months early)
WOW! What happened What Just Happened? (Sorry, couldn't resist...) I assume you are okay.

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