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post #1 of 3 (permalink) Old 01-05-2014, 07:08 PM Thread Starter
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**How did you hear About us? If from another site, which one and what was/is your username there?

Urban Dictionary-I was browsing through looking up a "Syberian doorknocker" and sybermom came up so I used google and here I am.

**Were you referred by a current or past member of Sybermoms? Who? No

**How many kids? Ages? One Daughter 13 years old

**When was the last time you checked for recalls on your child restraint devices? If it's been a while, you can check right now at that link. This is a rhetorical question - please check for recalls

**Will you cry if picked on? No

**Will you threaten to sue us if we hurt your feelings? (Yes, we have been threatened) No I'm broke and couldn't afford a lawyer to save my life

**Have you ever, at any website, posted a goodbye post? No

**Have you ever, at any website, or IRL, faked an illness/your own death/someone else's death to gain attention/sympathy/get out of trouble/get laid?
No but when I did have a job I would browse the obituary listings hoping to find someone who died with the same last name so I could get 3 days off of work

**Will you join in and pick on others? (This isn't a requirement, and most of the picking on is done in love and fun.... unless you think it's ok to leave your child unattended in a crib for 7 hours, then we'll pick on you for a reason)
Sure I'll join in

** Are you aware that picking on children and people with disabilities isn't very funny? Yes

** Are you aware that using the term re.tard, or any variation thereof as an insult does not make you funny or cool? It displays your limited imagination and a marked lack of class. Yes, that word is hurtful

**If you heard of Sybermoms by "word of mouth", what is the one thing that stuck out most for you, about our reputation? Bunch of badass bitches

**Do you have any questions for us? (please note to all the WR groupies, you don't have to be a badass to everyone on these threads.)
Do you know what a syberian doorknocker is and are you one?
lumpyanus is offline  
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post #2 of 3 (permalink) Old 01-05-2014, 07:48 PM
Wayward Wombat
Hard-Core Sybermom
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Originally Posted by lumpyanus View Post
**How did you hear About us? If from another site, which one and what was/is your username there?

Urban Dictionary-I was browsing through looking up a "Syberian doorknocker" and sybermom came up so I used google and here I am.

**Were you referred by a current or past member of Sybermoms? Who? No

**How many kids? Ages? One Daughter 13 years old

**When was the last time you checked for recalls on your child restraint devices? If it's been a while, you can check right now at that link. This is a rhetorical question - please check for recalls

**Will you cry if picked on? No

**Will you threaten to sue us if we hurt your feelings? (Yes, we have been threatened) No I'm broke and couldn't afford a lawyer to save my life

**Have you ever, at any website, posted a goodbye post? No

**Have you ever, at any website, or IRL, faked an illness/your own death/someone else's death to gain attention/sympathy/get out of trouble/get laid?

No but when I did have a job I would browse the obituary listings hoping to find someone who died with the same last name so I could get 3 days off of work

**Will you join in and pick on others? (This isn't a requirement, and most of the picking on is done in love and fun.... unless you think it's ok to leave your child unattended in a crib for 7 hours, then we'll pick on you for a reason)

Sure I'll join in

** Are you aware that picking on children and people with disabilities isn't very funny? Yes

** Are you aware that using the term re.tard, or any variation thereof as an insult does not make you funny or cool? It displays your limited imagination and a marked lack of class. Yes, that word is hurtful

**If you heard of Sybermoms by "word of mouth", what is the one thing that stuck out most for you, about our reputation? Bunch of badass bitches

**Do you have any questions for us? (please note to all the WR groupies, you don't have to be a badass to everyone on these threads.)

Do you know what a syberian doorknocker is and are you one?

I like your username. Hi!
LaughingCow is offline  
post #3 of 3 (permalink) Old 01-13-2014, 10:57 AM
Wayward Wombat
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Welcome and I do not know what a syberian doorknocker is and I won't be googling it either.
Fishie is offline  

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