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post #41 of 57 (permalink) Old 08-27-2018, 03:25 PM
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Hi there. I am so sorry for you. This is so saddening and disturbing. I really hope you get your dream fulfilled. I know how much you must want this. I have been TTC for a long time myself. So, I know what it is like. It is expensive, but there are so mnay clinics around the world that are not exorbitantly charging people. You should not give up on your dream. I am sure you will find a reasonable place. There are so many great clinics. I will be going to one myself. It costs around 40,000 euros there. I know that is a lot, and I am very hopeful for the process. I hope it works for you too. Sending love and best wishes.
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post #42 of 57 (permalink) Old 08-27-2018, 06:56 PM
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I am so sorry to hear about your infertility. 9 years is a long time. Mine is a year less than yours. I was infertile for 8 years after having my first son. I am 38 years old right now. My husband and I chose surrogacy to have a child. We went to a really good clinic and the procedure was successful. My surrogate is due in October. I can't even wait! so excited.
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post #43 of 57 (permalink) Old 08-27-2018, 09:47 PM
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I'm sorry to hear about your miscarriage. Don't lose hope. There are many methods due to advancement in technology through which you can conceive. I understand children are a blessing, you might also have a great desire to have them. Please stay away from this clinic named Lotus though. I am sure it will work out. Good luck!
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post #44 of 57 (permalink) Old 08-28-2018, 12:01 AM
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I am really sorry that you had to face all the trouble. You people seem to be very strong. I hope you get what you want. I hope your future is bright. I am also going to have a baby girl through surrogacy. I wish you good luck. I hope this goes well. Take care. Lots of love and support. Hoping to hear more soon.
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post #45 of 57 (permalink) Old 08-28-2018, 02:46 AM
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May your dream come true, my love! I can feel you that how badly you want a baby. You are a brave lady as you are bearing this pain for the last 7 years. It's such a long duration for anyone. Can you please tell me why you've not tried some artificial treatment? This can be ignored as you are now trying your best to overcome this issue. Well, in older times, adoption was the only option left for infertile individuals. But with the passage of time, science has made progress in almost every field of life. Infertility treatments such as surrogacy and IVF are introduced too. So, I personally suggest you to go for surrogacy technique. In adoption, the child doesn't belong to you in any sense. While in surrogacy, the child belongs to the IPs biologically. You'll be satisfied with it too. A clinic is even providing a guarantee for her surrogate and success experience too. May you get your desire soon!
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post #46 of 57 (permalink) Old 08-28-2018, 03:40 AM
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Hey. This brought tears to my eyes. I have been dreaming about similar things until the horrible revelation of infertility. I don't know when I will get over this completely. But I still have hope. I am going to get professional help from clinics in Europe. They are considered quite good in this regard. Prayers needed.
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post #47 of 57 (permalink) Old 08-28-2018, 05:27 AM
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Originally Posted by jenny5 View Post
Hey, sweety! I am so sorry to see you going through all this. It's very hard for you, I know. I am dealing with infertility too. I know how painful it is. Recently my friend had her baby. She chose surrogacy for this purpose. She couldn't conceive naturally too. She told me that her journey was great and exciting. And she felt really good to hold her baby in her hands. Just like you, I cannot afford high rates for this treatment. She told me that surrogacy in a clinic in Ukraine is very affordable. She advised me to visit there. I haven't gone there yet. I'm still researching. I think I'll reach a point soon. So, I would recommend you to do some research too. You'll get to know about the whole process. As well as the clinic which is good for this purpose. I hope things get fine at your end soon. Wish you good luck!
Hey Jenny, Im so sorry for the pain you are suffering from. It's surely hard enough to deal with infertility. I congratulate your friend for the baby and wishing you all the good fortune. Im so glad that you have found out a clinic which meets your requirements. Well I had faced the same situation while finding a good clinic. It takes a while, But you will find a right place for yourself. And it's appreciable that you still are researching to go for even better. Well, Not many people research so I hope that others get inspired by you. I have undergone surrogacy from the clinic you are talking about. And I assure you that's the place you are looking for. Goodluck!
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post #48 of 57 (permalink) Old 08-28-2018, 06:48 AM
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Hello, there dear. This time definitely must be really hard on you. It is every woman's dream to have a child of her own. Due to this curse of infertility people are facing too much in their lives. I really wish no one gets to deal with such circumstances. They just happen in our lives but we have to hold on to the situation. Time becomes hard but that phase moves on. Surrogacy is definitely a great option for you. You must make sure that you are consulting the right clinic for it. Do not want that you put yourself in much more depression. So dear take enough inquiry about that. There are good clinics available in Europe. They will guide you in amazing ways and will help you. They will support you and will also satisfy you. Good luck in the future.
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post #49 of 57 (permalink) Old 08-28-2018, 09:24 AM
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Hi sweety how are you? I hope you are fine. Really sorry to know what you had gone through. 9 years are such a long time. I must appreciate your courage. Well now if you are looking for surrogacy. I would like to share my journey with you. Infertility affected my life so bad. My husband left me on my hard days. But God's plan was in my favor. He sent an angel into my life. I married again and my husband supported me a lot during my journey. He told me about surrogacy. We went to Europe for our treatment. Our clinic was the best in that area. Their doctors were very knowledgeable and the staff was caring too. It was the successful journey of my life. Now I am a happy mother of two beautiful kids.
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post #50 of 57 (permalink) Old 08-28-2018, 09:59 AM
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Thanks, Diana for sharing your success story with us. You had gone through very hard times but you didn't lose hope. Now you are getting the fruits of your patience. Patience is always the key to success. Surrogacy is an amazing treatment and a great blessing of science. It is spreading happiness and creating families for years. A Europen clinic is very affordable, they even pay the dues of the stay of their clients. Their services are amazing too. Their success rates are also high. Point is knowing that there is a treatment still many people are against it. I don't know why. I wish one day everyone will get to know the true meaning of surrogacy. I hope.
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post #51 of 57 (permalink) Old 08-28-2018, 10:14 AM
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Hello dear! I feel really sorry for you. I am so sorry that you have to face the consequences of being infertile. I can feel your pain. This is because I am also an infertile woman. I have also faced many issues regarding infertility. However, what has made me stronger is the ability to face it with a positive thought. Moreover, you should be happy as there are many alternatives available in order to get pregnant. You should go for IVF or surrogacy. But go to the clinic that I have found after years of research. they are the best in town. They also have the best panel of doctors. You should totally visit them. I am sure that you will find help. Moreover, I wish your dream comes true. All the very best dear!
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post #52 of 57 (permalink) Old 08-28-2018, 10:17 AM
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Originally Posted by bennitaa View Post
I am so sorry for you. I know it is hard for to overcome this. I can understand this is painful but it's in fate. You have many options it is not the end of the world. I have faced infertility for 5 years but today I am a happy mother. I chose surrogacy. I was searching for an affordable clinic. I had low funds and one day I found it in Europe. It was like my dream come true. I hope this would work for you too. I have a daughter now. I am so happy to be a mother.
Im so sorry for that you have faced infertility for that long. I mean 5 years is a long time span. I would like to appreciate you that you finally found a good clinic and opted for surrogacy. It has changed the life of mine as well. I always recommend people to go to Ukraine for these treatments. No doubt it has the best ones which are affordable too.
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post #53 of 57 (permalink) Old 08-28-2018, 11:18 AM
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Greeting to you, Hoping that you are doing fine. I had the same dream as yours. I also wanted to hold my baby for at least once. Because I'm infertile too. But dear, don't feel this way. I know the time is hard but you'll make it. A clinic in Europe is providing the great opportunity for infertile people. And they have a low budget too. Yes, they are incredible in terms of their services. Their labs are so professionally designed. And their consultants are the kindest. I would advise you for that clinic. Sending love and support on your way. Stay positive and blessed.
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post #54 of 57 (permalink) Old 08-28-2018, 01:17 PM
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Aww dear, I felt really bad for you. It was really hard for you. I can understand your pain. Don't worry adoption is also a good option. If you can't afford it then it's ok dear. I was infertile due to my miscarriage. It wasn't my fault. I tried to find a good clinic. My friend recommended me a very renowned clinic in Europe. They treated me really very well. Their staff and surrogates were very nice. I am a mother now. I am really thankful for this clinic. I wish you good luck. Take care
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post #55 of 57 (permalink) Old 08-29-2018, 04:04 AM
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I am so sorry to hear your story. It's really depressing. I know it's very hard to deal with infertility. I can understand your situation. It seems like you are giving up. You have lost faith. You think you have left with no options. But it's not like that, dear. You still have so many options if you can't conceive naturally. Adoption is best if you think you can bring up someone else's child. But surrogacy is better than adoption because you'll have a baby who will be genetically your own. So the choice is yours. I wish your dream of becoming a mother come true soon. Stay blessed.
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post #56 of 57 (permalink) Old 08-29-2018, 10:55 PM
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hmm, surrogacy is really a very costly procedure. A normal man can’t be able to bear all of its expenses. Don’t get stressed and just pray. I hope you will get all the happiness of your life that have written in your fate. Infertility is really a very painful problem. Recently, I have heard an update regarding an event which is coming soon. So, I will suggest you attend this event. I hope that you will be happy to know all the success stories of the ladies there. All the necessary information regarding this event will be provided you soon. Just make up your mind to it.
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post #57 of 57 (permalink) Old 08-30-2018, 05:10 AM
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Hi! Thanks for sharing your story! I feel sorry for you. But don't be upset. I do have a surrogacy story with a happy end. My aunt faced with infertility 8 years ago. She and her husband dreamt about a child lke you do. They are also not rich! They read a lot of articles which told that Ukraine is the place of pilgrimage for thousands of students from abroad. They thought if Ukraine claims itself as the place of promoting the modern methods for human reproduction it will try to match the current medical requirements. And this is really so. Low prices just serve as a huge benefit for the european people. They met polite and pleasant people there, and she was not talking only about the clinic staff. They have been spending couple of months in Kiev, and they liked this city very much. Now they have a beautiful son! So, do not give up!
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