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post #61 of 71 (permalink) Old 08-15-2018, 04:13 AM
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HelL! hope you are fine. There are a lot of fake fertility clinics out there. Lotus is the worst clinic I have ever heard about. My friend has such a bad experience from that clinic. She wanted to be a mother badly. But she was unlucky. She went to a clinic Lotus. They Betrayed her. They were not exactly what they showed. They were so unprofessional. They even don't know that how to talk. I don't know that why they are doing this. I think this is all for personal benefits. Be aware of them. They don't care about anyone. Go for the other reliable places. They are not reliable at all.
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post #62 of 71 (permalink) Old 08-15-2018, 04:59 AM
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Originally Posted by joshien View Post
Hey, thank you for sharing the information. Will definitely be more careful about it. I think you did a great job by posting about it over here. Many people here recently on the search for a good clinic. They will make sure to avoid them. I have been reading a lot of negative comments about these clinics. It really worries me that such clinics are even running. Such a horrible thing to do is into a clinical profession. Such a pathetic thing to do so just by the way. Research thoroughly and then make a decision. So basically we all need to be careful if you are opting for a treatment. Cause it ain’t a normal issue. Lots of love in your way.

Hey Johsien, Im sure you are good. You have said things right. I second you that the post will help people to be cautious. But i think this is not a solution. There must be some action taken against these clinics. People are suffering from Infertility. And they go already are broke and go to these clinics with all high hopes. From where they return all disappointed. There must be campaigns organized to spread awareness regarding the preventions and causes of infertility. Many people are heedless of these things as well. When i was diagnosed with infertility. I researched a lot and found out a good clinic in Ukraine. They examined my situation and recommended me surrogacy. Which went all good. And now here i am, all blessed. I recommend people to visit them. They are coming to London this month, So it would be a good opportunity for the people who are living around. Get yourself registered asap.
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post #63 of 71 (permalink) Old 08-15-2018, 11:53 AM
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Hey there! Now-a-days. Every common men is suffering from the diseases. This diseases can spoiled the human’s health very rapidly. But peoples cannot take It seriously. Doctors are working on it and find the cause where this diseases is start’s from? But there is no problem, I want to share a good news with you. An event is coming. This event is good and more informative then other events. An team of doctors are coming and they’ll help the patients. There are so many doctors that can work for the patients right. Some welfare’s are also work for the patients right. So, make a plan with friends and attend this event.
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post #64 of 71 (permalink) Old 08-15-2018, 11:35 PM
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Thanks for making us aware. There are still many people who don't know about such scams. And they blindly trust every clinic. So it is important to spread awareness about such frauds. So that others can be saved. I would like to share my friend's story with you all. She was trying to conceive after her marriage but, after 5 years, doctors declared her infertile. Someone suggested her to go to Lotus clinic for her treatment. She went there and her treatment was started. But she was very disappointed with them because the staff was very unprofessional. They didn't treat her well. The treatment was also expensive. She recommends everyone not to go to that clinic at all. Everyone should be more careful while choosing a clinic because good clinic matters a lot.
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post #65 of 71 (permalink) Old 08-16-2018, 03:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Shalley View Post
Hello, Kristen. How are you? I hope you are fine. Many women are going through these problems. Many people have had poor experiences at different clinics. It is the toughest phase of a woman life. Infertility is hard to overcome. I know this. well, It is not about that we just forget about this. Please don't lose hope and you should go for the treatment. Biotexcom is a really good option for IVF and other procedures. If you can't travel all the way, then make sure to attend their event. It will be held soon, they will bring along all of their consultants. Make sure you check it out. You can read details on their website.
Hey Shalley, I Hope you are doing well. I think you are right and i second you. A lot of women are facing the similar issue. Sadly Infertility is getting common every passing day. It pleases me to see that people don't give up and keep on fighting. And ultimately many of them successfully conquer it. Infertility is curable now and a lot of people are not aware of it. I had undergone surrogacy when i was diagnosed with infertility. It was hard for me to face it but i did. My family supported me to the fullest. The clinic i chose for the procedure is in Ukraine. I am so thankful to them for their services. I recommend people to visit them.
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post #66 of 71 (permalink) Old 08-16-2018, 08:05 AM
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Hey there! I hope you are doing good. We learn from our experience and mistakes, love. I know it must have been really devastating for you but thank God that you did not visit them. I have been a target of such a clinic too. I contacted Lotus clinic. I wanted to have an urgent reply about my queries. I had already wasted so much time because I was in denial that I am infertile. I contacted them and they never replied. It was such a waste of time for me. I even waited for quite long to get their response. I am so disappointed that clinics are using infertility for fame. We need to spread the word about such clinics.
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post #67 of 71 (permalink) Old 08-18-2018, 12:03 AM
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I am sorry for your bad experience. I know it always hurt your feelings. Kriten12 get out of their dilemma. They are doing this with every other woman. you know Anastasia’s words made my day. She said they are working hard to facilitate us. They take care of us. Even they postponed their event to just make arrangements at a bigger level. I am just waiting to hear their new dates of the event. You know the venue is also changed. Biotexcom is doing best for us. We should support them rather than making rumors. It’s a time to be united with those who care about human health. So cheer up with this news. Go there and explain your condition and ask them to help you. I am sure they will suggest you a better idea.
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post #68 of 71 (permalink) Old 08-18-2018, 07:31 AM
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Hey there! Thanks for your time. It is really very sad that such clinic only wast the time of people. They had no interest in the problem of people. I had the worst experience with a clinic named Adonis. I went to this clinic For my IVF and they treated me badly. Due to lack of proper knowledge, my IVF got failed for 2 time. it is also because they did not pay full attention. They only snatch money and waste my time. I leave that clinic. I also advise all the member to be aware of them.
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post #69 of 71 (permalink) Old 08-18-2018, 08:31 AM
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Hello there! hope you're good health and fine. Health is the best gift of God to peoples. But they cannot take care of health. They can work hard for the better future. But they didn't know that there today's time health is spoiled. Doctors also recommend that first health then other things. Peoples can refuse the instructions of the doctor. When my neighbour sister is suffering from infertility. Then i'll take her and admit in the clinic's. Because she is siffering from infertilty. She is in very dangerous level. Doctors are very qualified, they can esaily handle this diseases. Nurses also take care of her health. She can never feel the loneleness.
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post #70 of 71 (permalink) Old 08-18-2018, 09:45 AM
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Hey! Thank you for spreading the news about scammers. I would love to spread the news of the best clinic for Surrogacy, IVF and IUI. This clinic is situated in Ukraine. Every depressed and disappointed couple should go there to have these procedures.
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post #71 of 71 (permalink) Old 08-21-2018, 04:51 AM
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Well. There are very rare clinic's that can give proper treatments to the patients. I would like to tell my story. When, i'm suffering from infertility. I'm very distrubed and sad. Then, doctors tell me about the best clinic, that is in abroad. This clinic is good and well reputed. When, i visit this clinic. There staff members can welcome me very politely. They can talk with me like a friends. Then, they can set my appoitnment with the doctor. There are so many doctors and all are very educated and good. This type of clinic is very good and rare. They can check up me and admit me for the treatment of surrogacy. After 9 months i give birth two babies and they are so healthy. Doctors are satisfied with it. I also satisfied by the treatment of the surrogacy. So, which patients can lose their hope. I suggest this clinic to visit at once and take your care first. Take a treatment in right time from right clinic.
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