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Single Moms Single Moms Support- We're doing by ourselves but we're not alone. Come here to chat about the pros and cons of being an unattached parent. Support only please.

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post #21 of 22 (permalink) Old 07-21-2009, 12:20 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 4
I am a newly single mom, though I guess I was "single" while married for quite a while since he never did anything for me or the kids and was "working" all the time (I later found out he was actually out partying). I am a single mom because my husband of 9 years never grew the F up. I am a single mom because I finally woke up and realized what I had subconsciously known all along - my husband was an adulterer. He had his own harem of women on the side and I was too blind from the exhaustion of raising our children single handedly to notice. I woke up one day, and caught him at it, and threw him out. My life has never been better, and my children's lives have never been better.

I am seeing someone now though he's never been around children much and has little experience. He's adapting to the idea of having my children around, and I'm adapting to the idea of having him around. We're taking things slowly. He was actually my first love back in the day, and we didn't talk for 10 years (during the course of my marriage to aforementioned loser) so we have some history and background to build on as well.

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post #22 of 22 (permalink) Old 10-07-2017, 07:54 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 5
Hello. I am a single mom. We were living happily with my husband until the moment when I found out that I am infertile. He has left me and got married again in 4 months. It was the moment when I decided that I will never get married again. I was absolutely destroyed and I didn't want to live. But I still wanted to be a mother most of all. That's why I decided to consult my gyno and to find the solution. My mother was supporting me all the time. I really appreciate her for her help.
My son was born in BioTexCom medical center with the help of the surrogate mother. As I had no intended father I needed the donor sperm. As for me it is absolutely normal and natural way of becoming parents. Infertile people don't have a lot of options.
So, I'm not going to get married again. I don't need a man in my house. My son is the most important man in my life and I don't want to share my love with anybody else. I'm doing everything for him. I want him to grow up as real man. I'm sure he will never leave his wife in troubles. I want him to be honest and supportive man. I will do everything to make him happy.
I remember those times when I was married. My husband didn't help me around the house. We had a big house and I had to do everything by myself. I was working a lot, by the way. He was also working but not as much as I did. So, I thought he had to help me at home. But he didn't. He thought it was my part of work. So, now I'm still doing everything by myself but no one's staying on my way. So, what's the difference? Why do I need a man?
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